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Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Significant Other and I Go Mano-a-Mano on Oscar Picks

The stakes are high. He wins, and I'm treating him to Cactus Cantina. I win, and it's Two Amy's on him. Points will be tallied. Mocking will ensue. In fact, as we speak he's talking junk. It's so cute how he doesn't even know how much he's toast. I can already taste the roasted olive appetizer now. For those following along, purple is good because it means I picked correctly. Green is bad because it means the S.O. picked correctly. (For illustrative purposes I've posted a picture of Daniel Craig and his ladyfriend because they're the couple that most resembles us. Provided you're high. And intoxicated. And the Mayor of Fantasyland. Because other than the fact that we too have two arms and legs each, we couldn't look less like them.)

UPDATE: Two Amy's it is!


Blogger honeykbee said...

Uh oh... all tied up at this point... ! Will it come down to Eddie Murphy?!

3:01 AM  
Blogger Brunch Bird said...

Supporting actor didn't do either of us favors, but adapted screenplay? Woot woot!

3:08 AM  
Blogger E :) said...

Yum. Two Amy's.

6:20 AM  
Blogger Brunch Bird said...

Even better: free Two Amy's. ;-)

12:34 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

How could you not see Jennifer Hudson coming??

Last night was one of the worst Oscars I've ever seen.

(I'm glad F. Whitaker won, and I'm glad Scorcese won - even though that was far from his best film)

2:57 PM  
Blogger Brunch Bird said...

I wanted to believe that that category could rise above its typical approach: gimicky award bestowal. Alas, it was not to be.

It was indeed a snoozer. Only highlights were the sound effects choir, Pilobolus, and Will Ferrell.

3:13 PM  

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