OK, I've Gotta Post My South Park Character Now
So Ar-Jew-Tino and The Princess look adorable. As does everyone else taking Sweet up on a very cool time waster. Do yours and send them her way. It's pretty amazing how uncanny the resemblance can be. In fact I'm even wearing my "Beers" T-Shirt at work today and I've got the funbuns on top of the ole' noggin.
I know isn't it? A friend saw my South Park without knowing anything about it, and said 'That's you on South Park!' It's really too funny. I'm adding yours now!
And Kyle's totally checking out your ass.
Fun buns...totally stealing it.
I-66- What can I say? I ate a lot of Cheezy Poofs to get that booty.
Ar- Spread it, but credit.
Hee hee. I'm just kidding. But I always thought that would make a funny blogger PSA campaign. It would feature like, Wayne Brady looking somberly into the camera.
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