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Thursday, November 16, 2006

OK, I've Gotta Post My South Park Character Now

So Ar-Jew-Tino and The Princess look adorable. As does everyone else taking Sweet up on a very cool time waster. Do yours and send them her way. It's pretty amazing how uncanny the resemblance can be. In fact I'm even wearing my "Beers" T-Shirt at work today and I've got the funbuns on top of the ole' noggin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know isn't it? A friend saw my South Park without knowing anything about it, and said 'That's you on South Park!' It's really too funny. I'm adding yours now!

3:39 PM  
Blogger I-66 said...

And Kyle's totally checking out your ass.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Ar-Jew-Tino said...

Fun buns...totally stealing it.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Brunch Bird said...

I-66- What can I say? I ate a lot of Cheezy Poofs to get that booty.

Ar- Spread it, but credit.
Hee hee. I'm just kidding. But I always thought that would make a funny blogger PSA campaign. It would feature like, Wayne Brady looking somberly into the camera.

4:12 PM  

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