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Friday, November 24, 2006

Hey Teasips--Bring It. More So Than You Did Today.

So we're in the car driving across east Texas and we're listening to the Longhorn radio wrap-up of today's 12-7 loss to the Aggies. And of course they're discussing bowl slots. And the fact that ESPN is projecting Texas could face off in the Gator Bowl with Clemson. Now that would be fine with me. I'm always happy to hear my team will be walking away with a nice 'W' after going bowling. Yet these two sportscaster chuckleheads are moaning and groaning about Clemson being a "second-tier ACC team" and "mediocre." Uh, fellas, your team just lost because they set their switches to "lackluster," in the face of what A&M was bringing. And you've spent most of the afternoon sniffling about your QB taking a hard hit. In a football game. See you in Jacksonville.


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