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Friday, June 09, 2006

My Cup Runeth Over

So the World Cup is upon us. Huzzah. Everyone going on and on about how exciting futbol is: You make some really salient points and I zzzzzzzz.....what?! Network?!

Here's my beef with futbol. It's not the game. A bazillion people like it. I get that. I don't mind that. What really frosts my cupcakes are the people insistent on converting me. This assumption that there's something wrong with America for not welcoming futbol closest to her ample bosom. So the rest of the world thinks it's great. Bully for them! Why are we doing something wrong by not deeming it our favorite sport? The American people (and by that I mean, the folks watchign televised sports and attending games) have said time and time again with our viewership and attendance that we like baseball and football and basketball and, shudder, NASCAR, more than futbol. If we waged this jihad on other countries for not liking baseball we'd be tarred and feathered on the world's stage. I don't like steak. I realize that 42 billion other people in the world enjoy steak. Would I get annoyed if the Jehova's Witnesses of the steak-eating circles felt the need to pound on my door every four years and condescend that I need to hop on the beef bandwagon because the rest of the world likes it? Yes, I most certainly would.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

6:05 AM  

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